
Moment of History

Our story

Welcome to Beogradska mehana - welcome to history.

Our restaurant, Beogradska mehana, is located in the heart of bohemian Belgrade, in the far-famed Skadarlija street.
In a street that is a symbol of Belgrade, its history – we are waiting for you, in a modernly equipped space, with one of the most beautiful open space gardens in the city.
From our side, we offer you top hospitality and service, a warm atmosphere, great and widely famous and written recipes, all included in the rich history of our city’s taverns.
We guarantee that we want to make each of our guests – a moment in the famous history of the tavern and Belgrade and – make every moment, a wonderful and unforgettable memory.
Every evening, with the sounds of old town music and a warm atmosphere, we will take you through the history of Belgrade’s bohemian life.
Come, and see – why, and how we represent Belgrade, as Europe’s gastronomy capital.

We are waiting for you.

why choose us

we providing
Seasonal & Delicious Food Menus

100% fresh item

Fusces urna lobo ultrices nulla euismod odio scele massa.

talented chef

Nunc at arcu ac sapien maximus finibus curabitur in fringilla.

authentic dishes

Phasellus sit amet felis lacinia neque convallis fringilla quis a nisl.

fresh drinks

Fusce sed urna lobortis ult mauris molestie es nulla euismod.


traditional & authentic fine dining

  • 35+ years of experience
  • 273 available dishes
  • 114 new brunches in town
  • Radno vreme

    Ponedeljak – Petak

    8.00 – 22.00


    10.00 – 18.00



    Lokacija i kontakt


    subscribe to our newsletter

    Fusce urna lobortis ultrices euismod odio. Nunc lectus ullamcorper ultrices felis quis.
    our team

    meet our talented team members

    Fusce condimentum hendrerit nibh id gravida.
    William M. Shisler
    Head Chef
    Marshall L. Beshears
    Joey J. Johnson
    Samantha C. Soto

    “ Maecenas sed ultricies diam. Suspendisse ultricies nisi ut lacus bibendum, at viverra lectus tincidunt. Curabitur sed massa libero euismod posuere. Nam tincidunt aliquam porta.”

    Ben Lowsan

    Donec vel laoreet enim. Etiam nec ipsum erat. Sed eu venenatis nunc, ac suscipit diam. Phasellus sit amet volutpat nunc. Morbi sit amet dignissim metus.

    Lilith Kim

    Donec vel laoreet enim. Etiam nec ipsum erat. Sed eu venenatis nunc, ac suscipit diam. Phasellus sit amet volutpat nunc. Morbi sit amet dignissim metus.